Selected Publications
DATE ‘24 M Lee, S Sharma, WC Wang, H Kumawat, NM Rahman and S Mukhopadhyay, Cognitive Sensing for Energy-Efficient Edge Intelligence. (Invited)
IMS ‘24 S Sharma*, H Kumawat* and S Mukhopadhyay, ChirpNet: Noise-Resilient Sequential Chirp based Radar Processing for Object Detection.
RWW ‘24 NM Rahman, S Sharma, C DeLude, WC Wang, J Romberg, and S Mukhopadhyay, BeamCIM: A Compute-In-Memory based Broadband Beamforming Accelerator using Linear Embedding.
IEDM ‘23 WC Wang, R Saligram, S Sharma, M Lee, A Gaidhane, Y Cao, A Raychowdhury, S Datta, and S Mukhopadhyay, Cool-CIM: Cryogenic Operation of Analog Compute-In-Memory for Improved Power-efficiency.
Sensors ‘23 M Lee, S Sharma, WC Wang and S Mukhopadhyay, Energy-Efficient Sensor Platform using Reliable Analog-to-Feature Extraction.
Sensors ‘23 S Sharma, U Kamal, J Tong, T Krishna and S Mukhopadhyay, SNATCH: Stealing Neural Network Architecture From ML Accelerator in Intelligent Sensors.
ESSCIRC ‘23 S Sharma* , WC Wang* , C DeLude, M Lee, NM Rahman, NV Kidambi, J Romberg and S Mukhopadhyay, AFE-CIM: A Current-Domain Compute-In-Memory Macro for Analog-to-Feature Extraction.
ASIANHOST ‘20 S Sharma, A Bag and D Mukhopadhyay, Compact and Secure Generic Discrete Gaussian Sampler based on HW/SW Co-design.
TIFS ‘23 H Kumar, B Chakraborty, S Sharma and S Mukhopadhyay, XMD: An Expansive Hardware-telemetry based Malware Detector to enhance Endpoint Detection.
Sensors Journal ‘24 S Sharma*, B Kang*, NV Kidambi and S Mukhopadhyay, HamQ: Hamming Weight-based Energy Aware Quantization for Analog Compute-In-Memory Accelerator in Intelligent Sensors.
* equal contributions